

One of the most powerful ways you can support Kingdom Connectors is through prayer.

We believe God hears and answers our prayers. Ephesians 6:18 tells us to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” If you would like to intercede in prayer for Kingdom Connectors, we have provided a list of prayer requests for your reference below.

Prayer Requests

For Kingdom Connectors:

  • Pray for the members of the campus construction team– for protection, health and support for them and their families.
  • Pray for the church activities scheduled to evangelize leading up to Christmas.

For the North Region churches:

  • Pray for support for the materials that are needed, such as tables, chairs, fans and construction of land.
  • Pray for the health and repentance of church members and families.
  • Pray for God’s strengthening and guidance of church leaders.

For the South Region churches:

  • Pray for the salvation of unbelievers that are visited by our church leaders.
  • Pray against sickness and disease amongst church members and those being ministered to in home visits.
  • Pray for the strengthening of faith in every church.

For the seminary:

  • Pray that the students will put what they learn into practice in their ministries and everyday lives.
  • Pray for Pastor Tomas Nieto, leader of the seminary– that God would strengthen his ministry.
  • Pray for the upcoming graduation of classes in the Bolonchén and Mérida seminaries.